I am the true vine, and my father is the gardener. He breaks off every branch in me that does not bear fruit, and he prunes every branch in me that does bear fruit, so that it would be clean and bear more fruit. John 15: 1-2
I grew up in a compound which had two avocado trees of different species or so I think. One was tall with few branches which were infected by a fungus plant. It produced big tasteless fruits and we cared less about it only eating its fruits if we had no option. The other tree was shorter with many branches and produced tasty fruits. I took my time to cut off the fungus plants from it regularly.
I love avocados because it serves me more than any other fruits. It is a vegetable that makes good salad and ‘margarine’ to spread on bread. So when my good tree started to drop its fruits when they have not matured I became concerned. We had to do with fruits from the other tree for a full season until a good friend in school gave me a gold bar of an idea. I could not wait to implement it if it will re-unite me with the tasty avocados again.
I went home and climbed the tree and cut off all the fungus crippling plants. Then I nailed a six inch nail into the stem of the tree. The nail worked miracles and soon I was enjoying my bread and githeri (mixture of maize and beans) tasted better with avocado. My afternoons were great with a tantalizing half green avocado after a good meal. I came to understand this magic during Biology classes in secondary school. When the tree lacks in mineral iron, its fruits cannot mature and so the nail is an iron supplement.
Christ says that he is the true vine and if you are in him he will take care of you so that you bear much fruit. If you are dropping fruits and you feel like your fruits of the spirit are not maturing, then go to Christ for a supplement. He took the six inch nails for us hence the only thing we need to do is to connect to him. Abide in him and bear much fruits! May you be known for the good fruits you produce. God bless you and thanks for reading my stories.
© February 1, 2011.
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