Arise Kenya Arise....

Arise Kenya Arise....

Thursday, May 19, 2011


“Cowardice asks the question is it safe, expedience asks the question is it politic, vanity asks is it popular, but conscience asks the question is it right?” – Martin Luther King Jr.

A friend of mine (name withheld) commented on a status on facebook that ‘mtaka cha mvunguni sharti a- bend over.’ The correct word instead of bend over is ainame, (Kiswahili for he must bend if combined with sharti) it hit me that a shift had happened to our psyche as a generation. We have even corrupted a Kiswahili proverb for handwork pays to mean that you can get what you want by offering your body up for sex. 

A few days later I watched a clip from the Swaggarific concert that took place in Nairobi in April and I was left with many unanswered questions. The public demonstration of sexual act in the name of a dancing style called ‘bend over’ shocked me so much that I could not stay still (if you know what I mean.)

I realized we have decided to bend over backwards and copy a lifestyle that does not add value to our lives. Sex is good, God created it simply for the good of mankind yet man has complicated it and made it a road to destruction. The laws of supply and demand when applied to sex today will definitely rate sex as a devalued commodity. The subtle seduction, unpredictability and mystery around sex is long gone, what we have is a dry weather beaten husk of a fruit that has been trampled down by safe sex, orgies and one night stands (chips funga in Nairobi.)

Is it only the media that is causing this decadence? I believe it is also a product of a combination of a stressful, ‘couch potato’ with junk food lifestyle. When such an inactive lifestyle is bombarded with sexual undertones from the liberal media around us, the feeling is to bend over backwards so as to bend over.

The whole of proverbs chapter five is dedicated to the effects of adultery, it concludes that lack of self control leads to death. Absalom slept with his father’s (King David) concubines on the palace roof in full view of people. He must have thought that was the coolest thing to do, he did not live long after that. 

How would you feel when you eat a sweet desert first thing in the morning? Sex and good sex has its place and time. The pressure is there all around us to ask if it is safe, popular or politically correct, bend over, kneel down and pray. Only God can give us a conscience to ask of it is right, and help us stand in the strong wave.

© Copyright 19th May 2011.


  1. Thanks for this great master piece and a reminder of what is the importance of value systems of individuals.
    People should understand how life is a precious commodity like other precious items like gold silver,diamond to name a few.We ought to protect well as required us by God

  2. what we have is a dry weather beaten husk of a fruit that has been trampled down by safe sex, orgies and one night stands- right on point Pastor K
