Arise Kenya Arise....

Arise Kenya Arise....

Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Fungua Chips

Kenya is a peculiar country with a peculiar people, and the man who said this - Michael Joseph, came from Britain to work here and has stayed for good. We are also creative people and we never seem to stop creating words to define who we really are. The new word is chips funga, this is slung for one night stand sex most likely with a stranger. It started with men seeking out women, now even women chips funga men.

This is evident in our morning shows on radio where to be listened to you must be as paverted as you can be. Casual sex is the in thing in the airwaves and internet social sites. I live in this world and I get tempted always and I know the environment is not supportive to decesions to abstain from sex before marriage. It is only God's grace which can make one stand in this area.

Nature abhors liabilities just as power abhors a vacuum. This is the very reason why dinosaurs are no longer walking on the face of the earth. God has created nature in such a way that it sorts out anomalies in its systems. I hereby call on real men and women to stand up and launch 'Operation Fungua Chips' or the systems of nature will rander you redundant.

It may look out of place but all over history it is the people who were courageous enough to look out of place who made history. There can never be change or invention if we all think and act in the same way. If David would have gone into pity party like the rest of Israel's army he would have remained a shepherd all his life. Joseph in Egypt, Boaz in Bethlehem and Apostle Paul are men who went against the grain in their times.

Fungua roho and say fungua chips; for a better life today and in the days ahead, wait until you are married to engage in sex.

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